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“Jesus Christ Did Not Die On Good Friday,” Daddy Freeze Says, Gives Bible Verses To Prove It

Daddy Freeze

Daddy Freeze

Popular Media Personality and leader of the Free Nation in Christ, Ifedayo Olarinde, popularly known as Daddy Freeze, has said that Jesus Christ did not die on Good Friday.

Recall that the common Christian belief is that he died on Good Friday and was resurrected on Sunday morning.

During a live video hosted on his official verified Facebook page, Daddy Freeze said if we go by this doctrine which says he died on Friday and resurrected on Sunday morning, it means Jesus Christ spent only two days and two nights in the tomb, whereas it is clearly written that he spent three days and three nights in the tomb.

The popular AOP added that Good Friday and Easter Sunday is man made tradition (Mark 7:7-8).

The first Bible verse he gave to prove that Jesus Christ did not die on Good Friday was Matthew 12:40. It says, “For as Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man (Jesus) be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights”.

He also gave Matthew 16:4 to prove his point. Here, Christ said the only sign he will give the world is the sign of Jonah as contained in the previous verse.

He also referred to Genesis 1:5 which explains that the evening and morning makes one day in the Jewish calendar; it was so since the creation of the world.

He said the Bible records that Christ resurrected on Sabbath evening, before the first day of the week (Sunday). Using the calculation in Genesis 1:5, it means that Christ died on Wednesday. If you calculate from Wednesday evening to Saturday evening, you get three days and three nights as recorded in Matthew 12:40.

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